Monday, November 22, 2010

Manic-cured Monday

Nothing makes me feel more polished (pun-intended) than a freshly manicured set of nails.  Today was a breakthrough in my world of nail-painting as I tried Shellac for the very first time.  It is painted on just like a normal polish but has the staying power of 2 weeks.  It is not the same as the No-Chip manicure and is better for your nails than a "pink and white". They currently have around 8 colors to try, but I am sure with a gain in popularity will be an increase in the color wheel. Here is a picture of my painted ladies!

Here are my nails after a week! Still no chips!


  1. I know those fingers!

    Teen this blog is too cute and so you!


  2. I want to shellac!! Where did you go?

  3. Image Nails just started doing it. They are on Lake and Wells!
